I have a cessna 150, 900 hours since overhaul and so i have 1100 before it needs to be overhauled. And my operating cost is 50 a month for insurance and tie downs and 15 an hour for maintenance with overhaul factored in. Put 25 on top of that for fuel (4-6 GPH at 5.10 a gallon) and its 40 per hour to fly. Beats 80 per hour for a 150 at a flight school. I don't know why I'm even explaining this to you, I know exactly how much I spend and how much it costs to rent an airplane.
And I sold it because I had a buyer lined up and my dads gone for the next 3 months so I get to drive his Audi wherever I need. I'm sure I can find a car in 3 months.
And no. You dont need to fly 100 hours a year (which I do anyways) to make it equal to a flight school. Partner up with someone and its cheaper than renting a cub at a FS
Rules of flying: Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees, and interstellar space. It it much more difficult to fly in these areas.