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Old 09-20-2014, 05:39 AM   #6
Slate 01
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Originally Posted by Porsche9 View Post
On my way home from work in stop and go traffic I had to slow down fairly quickly to about 15 mph but nothing extreme. I look in my rearview mirror and I see a Dodge Stratus barreling towards me with tires smoking (thinking what the hell is wrong with his ABS). With no out because there were cars all around I braced myself and sure enough he hit me what felt like pretty hard. Thankfully I was not hurt. We pulled to the side of the highway and I got out and expected carnage and all that I could see were some marks on the bumperettes. Fortunately the other driver was fine and I told him to get his brakes checked because the ABS should work and not allow the car to lock the brakes.

I have an appointment with an insurance adjuster and with a hit like this that appears on the surface to have little damage is there something I should be looking for in damage beneath the bumper cover?

Thanks in advance for any insight.
With your car being a 2002, you may have to really do some convincing with your insurer on the proper amount they are willing to pay you for the repair. It is very typical for you to get "rear ended" twice, one by the other car then again from your insurance company, and the insurance company won't even bother with lube.
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