Thread: New member
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Old 09-07-2014, 02:31 AM   #7
Simon Wooldridge
Aussie Boxster
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Canberra
Posts: 6
Hi everyone.

I've had my 2003, 80,000 km Boxster S for a whole week now. I dropped my motorbike on my foot and broke it (the foot!) in four places. I've had an attack of common sense and realise that bikes are now beyond my aging and dilapidated body to manage.

So. Sold the bike, but still needed a vehicle with some serious grin factor, and being a Porsche tragic for the last 50+ years, bought the Boxster. I live just outside Canberra, in Australia. Found my car on the 'net at a dealer in Canberra and forked out just under $30,000 for it. She seems in good nick and will have to live outside in Canberra's cool climate (for Australia).

I'm looking for the best value (I'm a prison chaplain, so very little money to spend - the inmates think the Porsche is a very cool choice!) in an effective outdoor car cover.

I hope this is how forums works. I have no experience with them. But very happy to be here.
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