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Old 09-06-2014, 07:19 AM   #33
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
Originally Posted by crod View Post
Whatever it is, I am living proof it can be rebuilt at home by someone that had never attempted anything similar.
As I said mine has never been better, running much stronger and with zero issues. We are keeping a close eye on it of course. So far, 3,000 miles later it is all 100%.

Your experience should be inspirational for many here and elsewhere.

As I had stated, your lack of experience has proven beneficial in reaching your goal.

More and more people requested my engine classes at an enthusiast level, so the first one is scheduled for January 2015. What makes these engines easier to assemble for a first timer is knowing the order of assembly.

The About to be released Faultless wrist pin/ clip installation tool omits the need for Porsche special tools for this portion of assembly and you don't need a bore scope. Load up a clip and a pin and it's magic from there. The installation of the pins and clips has also been the stumbling block with these engines, especially for heavily experienced pros.
Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist
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