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Old 09-01-2014, 09:47 AM   #18
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The problem with searching now is, the same questions have been asked so many times that one has to sort through a huge number of unhelpful or minimally helpful threads ( like this one) to eventually find a reference or link back to the one or two threads that were actually helpful in solving one's problem.
So my issue is not about wasting my time replying, which of course is optional, but about clogging up future searches on the topic with a bunch of newly generated heat-of-the-moment threads that add little to the body of knowledge.
Plus it ticks off people like Mark T, making them vitriolic and less rather than more likely to share whatever personal expertise they might possess.
I hold no personal malice for makers of new threads on old topics, but every time this happens, it makes the web site's already anemic search engine just that much less useful.
BTW, rfuerst, you might look at my prior post on the topic of ctr console removal for a precaution.
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