Warranty Enforcement Laws (Lemon Laws)
Laws in many states and federal law permit owners and/or lessees to
obtain a replacement vehicle or a refund of the purchase or lease price
under certain circumstances. The provisions of these laws vary from
state to state and vary from the federal law. To the extent allowed or
not prohibited by applicable law, Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
requires that you first provide Porsche Cars North America, Inc. itself
with direct written notification of any alleged unrepaired defect or
malfunction, or any other dissatisfaction you have experienced with your
vehicle so that Porsche Cars North America, Inc. itself has the
opportunity to cure the problem or dissatisfaction. Giving Porsche Cars
North America itself this direct notice and opportunity to cure enables
us to supplement prior efforts by our authorized dealers so any ongoing
problem can be resolved or the dissatisfaction addressed by us. In
states that have not enacted Lemon Laws, we also require, without
constituting any liability beyond the Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
new car warranty, that you give Porsche Cars North America, Inc. itself
direct written notice of any service difficulty you have experienced.
Written notifications, either required under an applicable Lemon Law or
other written notifications should be sent to Porsche Cars North
America, Inc., not one of our dealers, at:
Porsche Cars North America, Inc.
Attn: Customer Commitment
980 Hammond Drive
Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 3328
06 987S- Sold
Carrara White / Black / Black/Stone Grey Two-tone
05 987 5-speed - Sold
Midnight Blue Metallic / Metropol Blue / Sand Beige
06 MB SLK350- Lease escapee
Iridium Silver Metallic / Black
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. - Robert Wilensky