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Old 08-29-2014, 02:04 PM   #1
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It is always the simple things

I just finished back brakes on my S, new Rotors , Red Stuff pads, sensors. After reassembling I had a slight noise, a rubbing dull and muted. The pads and shims were tight so I thought it will get better and the rotor was not binding. I had only driven around town a few times and today I made a 200 mile trip, by the time I got home the sound was like fingernails on a chalkboard when I was next to something to reflect the sound...and only at slow speeds. I jacked the car up and turned the rear wheel....noise.....removed the wheel and installed a jack stand for safety...rotated the rotor....noise. I tried to get some slack in the pads but they were tight. I removed the cross pin and spring, sensors and the I could see nothing touching the rotor...turned and same sound...Dang

I lay under the car and turned the rotor and it sounded like it might be inside...I thought CV joint inside. I turned the axle and examined the boots inside and out for several rotations , while a little worn they looked in very good condition. I could find nothing and with my 58 year old ears and tinnitus in one ear it was difficult to find where the noise was actually originating. Frustrated I law down behind the back rotor with the jack and jack stand holding the car safely up. I then saw something, the lower dust shield by the trailing arm was bent inside and touching the rotor at 6 O'clock....I thought no it couldn't be that simple. I took my long nosed pliers and bent it toward the transaxle and turned the rotor and dead silence. It was then I remembered the moment of terror when I did the brake job last week. I had finished and was lowering the car after removing the jack stands and forgot the Emergency brake was off due to performing rotor replacement on the rear. My driveway is at a slight angle and the car started rolling backwards must have hit the jack stand behind the car and bent the shield. The car had only 5 feet of concrete before it would be on grass and then 15 feet and the alpine hill into the gorge was about 30 degrees.....and when it started rolling I grabbed for the door handle to find it locked. All I could picture was Ferris Bueller and the Ferrari California and my baby rolling off the hill. But luckily it did not happen.

So if you are having a problem that is baffling you step back and look at the simple things.

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