Thread: Possible Lemon?
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Old 03-27-2006, 01:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by MinK6
I purschased 2006 Boxster on 3.11.06 @ Rockville Porsche/Audi, since then, the car's been in the shop total of 4 days (5th day after today) for various reasons. My question to people in this forum is, what qualifies a car for the lemon law? I am getting frustrated taking time out of my schedule going into the dealer 2-3 times a week. I love the car but I dont think i can deal with the nightmare, I want to get rid of this car soon...

FYI. Gil Felix (Service Advisor) @ Rockville Porsche is not very competent nor reliable in explaining anything to me when the car is in the shop even when I ask him questions.
It definately varies by State. In general, however, it involves a certain amount of time in the shop. Colorado, for example, requires 30 days of repair. There is also usually some parameter involving cost of repair versus cost of vehicle. My guess is that you are nowhere near the level required - but I could be wrong.

I agree with my fellow Boxsterites, however, that you need to be a bit more specific on your complaints. I mean, are we talking stereo problems, replacing floor mats, or engine problems?

I also don't understand the "...not very competent nor reliable..." comment. Do you not know WHY your vehicle is in the shop? You paid good money for your car - you deserve any and all answers that you deem necessary. Sometimes that means that you keep saying "I'm sorry, I don't understand, what do you mean by that?" Keep pushing until you know EXACTLY what's going on.

Keep us informed....

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