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Old 07-29-2014, 09:19 PM   #60
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Waco, Texas
Posts: 404
4k is what it would cost to typically wrap a large truck or SUV (all of it). We wrapped an F-250 four door with a camper a few months back and it was $3800. The chrome wraps for a car will likely push you to the 4k range and beyond if they are using one of the major brands of vinyl. The edges of the wrap peeling back are due to either the edges not being prepped (degreased and primer applied), sealed, cheap vinyl with weaker adhesive, or they stretched/overheated the vinyl during the installation. Yeah...I guess if you take the car off-roading or down a bunch of gravel roads it would start to eat away at the wrap but I can't see a paint job faring much better. Maybe it is just the labor in China that is so cheap but there is no where in the states that would touch a wrap for those prices. There are lots of places springing up left and right trying to get in on this business and people trying to do it out of their homes. We have people come in routinely that complain about our competition from time to time. There really is a learning curve to how you can heat and stretch the vinyl to get around corners without wrinkles and without compromising the installation long term.
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