Thread: Heartbroken
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:40 PM   #24
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So far I've been very calm and facts only but firm, I'm actually kind of good at that part. At the end of my conversation when the insurance person and I came to the impasse she told me I needed to file a claim with my insurance company I told her that I had files the claim with them not mine and I expected them to take care of my car. The car is definitely not totaled. As far as being unreasonable so far I've just asked for the car to be repaired at a Porsche approved facility and/or that a Porsche dealer sign off that the work was done properly and to Porsche specifications. I haven't demanded anything like extra $$, or a rental car. I can deliver the car to the dealer and they can pay for my time off work or they can pay for towing. (the towing would be cheaper + then I would not need a rental.)
1979 911 Targa SOLD!!!!
1985.5 944 SOLD!!!!
2000 Boxster
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