Thread: Heartbroken
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Old 07-14-2014, 02:52 PM   #22
On the slippery slope
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Keep up the fight

Tom is right and when you don't get satisfaction form the adjuster, speak with their manager and keep going up the food chain until you get someone that will finally do the right thing, which is give you what you are asking for (assuming you are being at least a little reasonable)

You are under no obligation to accept ANY offer the insurance company makes and Tom is correct, the driver of the other car is liable to make you whole. If his insurance company doesn't step up, then it comes out of his pocket (that's why you have insurance)

Like I said before, speak with a lawyer. At the end of the day, that is what they are for and from my experience, you end up with a better deal and more cash in your pocket

As far as value, you need to look at true replacement cost. The true value is what would it cost to replace the car including adjustments for its superior condition, etc, not just the KBB number.

Its hard to tell from your pics (yes you do take crappy pics LOL), but it doesn't look like it is even close to totaled. Be sure to get thje frame checked and it will probably need some suspension components and definitely a proper alignment

Stick to your guns and get it inspected and repaired where you want, even if it is a 3 hour tow. The value the adjuster gives is simply his opinion of cost and most likely is based on average repair shops and discount components, not a high end shop with OEM/factory parts.

If it was your insurance company paying, you might have to accept their estimate, but since its not, you have some leverage

In my 40 years of driving, I have had to deal with accidents a few times and nevr has been my fault. The last time It was my wife's Explorer and we had it fixed aat a very exclusive shop that specializes in Porsche, Ferrari and lambo. It took them about a week longer that the insurance company wanted to fix it and cost about 50% more, but that had no choice., Of course, the Explorer looked better than new and was perfect when they were done
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