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Old 07-11-2014, 08:59 PM   #7
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I just finished the install on my 2000S today. I plan a separate write up this weekend to document my adventure but I can help just a bit...
1. My top was so tight the first time I tried to latch it that it pulled up the clamshell about an inch!
I backed the top off a bit and was certain I'd screwed up.

Today, I parked the car in the sunshine for an hour or so, then latched the top. It still took two of us to latch but the clamshell stayed put and the top looked great. I left the car in the sun all day. The top goes up and down great but it still took two of us to latch it tonight (but not nearly as tough as last night).

2. The b pillar switch goes just in front of the defroster connector. There should be a 8mm bolt that tightens the switch assembly to the frame. I'll try to get a pic.
DO NOT OPERATE TOP WITHOUT THE B-PILLAR SWITCH IN POSITION as you can over rotate your transmissions and get things all out of whack (ask me how I know). Your top will not know it is up without a signal from the B pillar.

3. Previous reply is correct. The small piece is the defroster receptacle cover.

4. Your rubber body seal is orientated correctly but is not pushed in quite far enough. The rolled edge should be right up against the top fabric. Use a plastic putty knife to push the seal in a little further.
5. My helper straps are not helping either! I plan to play with it next week. Frustrating because I never had that problem with my old top on the the 6 years I've owned the car.

Best of luck!
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