Thread: throttle blip
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Old 07-03-2014, 08:15 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by JayG View Post
Yes, but the resistance of the potentiometer will vary depending on how much gas you are giving it at the moment, so the circuit would need to lower the resistance bu a specific amount. The problem, is that the value you need would vary depending on the potentiometer value

It could probably be done with an Adruino
If you are not heal toe-ing -- then you will not be on the gas.
You'll have one foot on clutch and one on brake.

Therefore your TP would be at 0%.

Let's say for argument sake that your 0% is 10K ohms and your 100% is 0 ohms.
Then you could throttle blip to 50% with a parallel 10K ohm resistor.

1/Rto_blip = 1 /R(0%) + 1/R(blip circuit)

like others have said -- some sort of timing circuit would be used to
enable the duration of the shunting resistor. An old 555 circuit and a pot
enabling a relay would do just fine.

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