Thread: Oil Question
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Old 03-20-2006, 07:38 PM   #8
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Remember, the Boxster M96 Engine is a Quasi-Dry Sump Engine. There's almost always plenty of Oil in the Engine.

Don't be too Anal about keeping it topped up as the Readout is notorious for innacurate readings unless checked when the Engine is Cold, such as in the Morning before Driving.

Anything above the 2nd Bar on the Readout is Overfilled, and the 2nd Bar to the Bottom is the Minimum OK Range. You are not Low unless the level registers under this Bar, in which case, the Bottom Bar will Flash. Anything in-between is OK.

The Danger in Overfilling is that you will damage the Emissions System, the Cats in particular - very spendy replacement.

As mentioned, each Bar is approx 1/3 Ltr. and you should only add Oil in 1/2 Qt. increments and then wait at least 3 min. before checking the level and adding more to prevent Overfilling. If Overfilled, you need to drain the excess amount before driving...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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