Originally Posted by tightbox
Haven't tried it yet, just received some lenses that were in worse shape than I would have liked, and have been researching what to do (other than mail them back to the seller!).
Wonder if I could use a regular UV stable automotive clear coat from paint scratch.com?
Mine were original lenses and they received no special care for ten+ years and had some minor scratches so they had to be wet sanded at some stage. Although NOT recommended by any pro it worked for me. I didn't used UV protect whatsoever BUT I have to regularly polish them when I do the 986's quarterly detailing. Edit: takes 10min per headlight
I'm just saying this because the lenses looks as new as the day I restored them 36+ months ago. Guessing if you maintain them regularly it shouldn't be any different for yours.
Been using Meguiar's Plast-X Clear Plastic Cleaner. Could well have UV protect additives dunno... rarely read labels
These polish products are all the same thing really (de-oxidizers + ultrafine abrasive particles)