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Old 06-14-2014, 08:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Tpierce129 View Post
I wonder how much they'd go for? Difficult to judge without a market value
I honestly don't think that in most cases the unique colors or additional options add much dollar value to our cars, and I think some colors, interior/exterior combos may turn some people off.

For me, the color was what closed the deal. If it was just another Guards Red, Black or Arctic Silver car (of which I have all 3), I wouldn't even have looked twice at it. Being a unique color it caught my eye, but I honestly wouldn't have paid anymore for it. (But if it was a "normal" colored car, I wouldn't have bought it - so the color did make the sale.)

It's hard to tell - there are so many 986 cars available, that unless you find a real knucklehead like me that lusts for the unusual, the average buyer won't care about the rarity of the color, only that they do/don't like the color (and what their wife/girlfriend has to say about it).

I think I have a Porsche problem...
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