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Old 06-13-2014, 08:49 PM   #518
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
I hope to have them installed in 2-3 weeks and will post results

I also plan to finally do a full write up with pictures and videos of the retrofit process for the die-hard DIYers like myself

It's not rocket science, but there are many opportunities to damage things.
I purchased a used set of headlights. I opened the backs of the lights because they were rattling and found that each light had an HID kit installed. The rattling came from ballasts which were lose inside cover that seals the access to the bulbs. It looked like the weight of the ballasts had knocked the light buckets off the pivot ball. Also the seal on one light was mush. Thursday was spent polishing the yellowed and gunk-ed up lenses. They now are looking like brand new.

Today I used Particlewave's video to open both headlights. I baked the first one for 15 minutes with no give on the silicone. It went back into the oven for another 10 minutes since it had cooled a bit. It came apart easy enough the after the second bake. The second one went in for 20 minutes and came apart quickly. It was then easy to pop both of the headlight bucket assemblies back onto their pivot balls. The internal lens covers came off with only one plastic tab having broken. Once the internal light covers were off there was dust or dirt around the reflectors. It looked like residue from a bulb burning off moisture.

Next step have to be ordering the new projector lights.

Last edited by BFeller; 06-14-2014 at 06:00 AM.
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