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Old 06-08-2014, 05:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
Sounds like it wasnt the model but the age of the car.

Are you aware that many of us refer to the dealer as the stealership?
As in they steal away with more of your money than any independent Porsche specialist?
I only go to the dealer service as a last resort or to ask them to give me a top to bottom diagnostic of anything that could need fixing. When the service rep comes out to present the findings he doesn't even try to sell me on doing any of it because he know their estimate will easily exceed everyone else by a WIDE margin. When I had this done at 60K miles their estimate was more than the market value of the car after 10 years.

Good Luck on securing any favorable rates / repairs from those guys, I'd be in a hurry to move you on your way also.


Each dealership is different and I would imagine they are as good or as bad as the Service Rep or whoever you are personally dealing with, to paint with such a broad brush is pretty unfair.

Luckily I have only had to visit the dealership once and it was to obtain a 4 digit security code to program an additional remote fob, I was not purchasing anything and the Service Manager was more than happy to help. As a result I'd gladly utilize them if needed in the future.

Are you going to pay more at the dealership than an Indy? Heck Yeah!! Look around at their over head, they are there to make a profit (albeit a likely a higher margin than an Indy) and there isn't anything wrong with that. If their general business model includes unfair / inflated billing or shoddy workmanship word will spread and the market will eventually dictate their demise or force them to change their ways.

In the meantime, if your complaint is legitimate and able to be supported / documented call the BBB , PCNA and your state AG and file a complaint, a resolution would likely be accelerated by these actions.
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