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Old 03-14-2006, 04:18 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
i have repair my plastic rear windows now on each boxster

on the 97 i had a hole near the middle, i am still wandering if someone actusally pierce it with a screw driver or something so the hole was quite big, i stuck a clear decal on the inside and stuck the porsche club decal on the outside, it didn't look too bad and at least it kept the rain water away from the cabin

when i bought the S i had two tiny cracks on the middle hedges, where it folds, i just use a little bit of clear silicone again making sure to seal it in and out, it is near impossible to see and so far it did the trick and kept the rain away again, and believe me it is pissing out of the heavens at the moment!!
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