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Old 05-27-2014, 06:54 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour View Post
The most interesting person I've met is Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life).

For someone who has a book that has sold more copies than any other book in print outside of the Bible, he is a very grounded person and very nice to be around too. He gives away something like 95% of his royalties, which is his only source of income, and doesn't have any interest in material possessions.

I'm afraid all that wealth would go to my head and I'd have a 12 car garage...

I've met a bunch of famous people too, but they weren't interesting in person... just famous. For example, I sat next to Robert Englund (Freddie Krueger) on a plane years ago and he was a complete jerk and I wasn't asking him fan-type questions because I had no idea who he was.
Rick Warren, yay! Rick Rocks. I only give away about 15% of my income before taxes but I'm working on it.
I've met Erland Van Lideth, at a High School summer Wrestling camp, he used to be an Olympic wrestler and was an Engineer, as am I...He was humble and cool.
Bill Johnson...pastor of Bethel fellowship in CA.
My adoptive father who took me and my sister on with my Mom when I was 4.
My biological father that left me when I was less than a year old.
A couple of modern astronauts, including robonaut.
The real Dr. that the TV series "Quincy MD" was modeled after.
Walter Mondale
Ned Overrend
Ruthie Matthess
My boss...he always has a great "sage" piece of advice to put a positive spin on the daily work grind. What a great person.
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