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Old 05-21-2014, 08:30 AM   #35
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I took some pictures yesterday, but haven't gotten them posted yet. I will post them tonight hopefully.

The top is painted to match a '99 Boxster in plain black. It's not metallic. I do not have a paint code because the top was painted to match my car. When I bought it was red.

When I took the top out of the cover, I discovered a couple of chips in the paint. The first ones I remembered. They are on the right "ear" (plastic cover of the adjusting bolts). I don't think those are a big deal because they snap off and can easily be repainted. However, I had forgotten that there are a couple (2) of paint chips on the driver's side lip around the door window. Since these are on the top itself, these are kind of a big deal, since they show the red paint underneath.

I will post those pictures asap.
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