Originally Posted by Pdwight
One of the things that bugs me the most about my Boxster is at the top of my steering wheel there is a place about the size of a palm (no coincidence in sure) where the finish is worn off. Except for that the wheel looks great and I really like the three spoke wheel...but this bugs me. Is there any way to refinish this or a repair ??
Thanks in advance
This is usually just buildup that looks like fading and can just be cleaned. If it does need dye, I highly recommend Tandy Eco-Flo midnight black (hobby lobby craft stores has it).
Just wipe on with a clean cloth or paper towel and blot to prevent streaks in the color from wiping. Do the whole wheel for an even matched look. Let dry for 24 hours and wipe clean with cold water and soft sponge. I haven't had any bleeding or wearing off
This one was grey