Originally Posted by coreseller
If your story is straight, get witnesses then, I hate to say it, think about getting a lawyer. From the sound of the other party and their family's reaction I doubt this will be a walk in the park.
Like others, I had a situation several years ago where a car was totaled and the other party was cited (kid had his license for all of 4 days, on cell phone and pulled out directly in front of me) and obviously at fault yet their insurance company fought me on everything tooth and nail. Yes I did subrogate but it did not really help, and yes I was more than reasonable. I've never sued anyone and am not the suing type but in retrospect I should of lawyered up, being a Mr. Nice guy definitely cost me.

Because it was on private property there was no traffic citation so to my knowledge it is non negotiable and as the officer said himself idk if you were on your phone or not (I wasn't) but regardless you had right of way and he did not yield to that he is at fault.
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