So the real pain here is going back to school the next day with someone who claims that an accident was your fault and not the others like the police report claims, from what I have heard today I was speeding at like 60mphs, cutting trough the lot, had someone in the car, was on the phone, under the influence (wtf) and I perposly ran into him, he was already in the lane, according to most people my car was "hardly damaged, a bolt came out, may need a new door." While his precious bronco (not the collectible ones) had the front in tore to shreds. Well you can see by the pictures and the police report and the simple fact that my airbags didn't deploy to prove who is wrong and who is right about this but I am tired of hearing the ********************. Shall I add what his mother did when I went to shake her hand after the accident happened, she put her hands behind her back like a 2 year old and reluctantly decided to shake my hands.
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