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Old 04-28-2014, 07:34 AM   #5
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Thanks for the swift replies all. The car has done 72K miles apparently, but who knows how true that is or how it was driven during those miles.

With regards to the AOS, in theory it could have been a bad one fitted, but the car doesn't display any of the classic AOS going bad symptoms and the car doesn't smoke in the slightest between the extreme 'episodes'. It didn't blow any smoke after the AOS had been replaced for days and days so I don't think there's any oil loitering around the top of the engine since then.

Hmmm.. that last post sounds remarkably similar though, mainly my car seems to have done the smoke trick after a sharpish left turn off a roundabout or such. I'm not sure why a left turn combined with worn pistons / rings should trigger a smoke bomb, but it seems common.

Looks like I need to possibly get the condition of the pistons/rings checked then, maybe 1 or two of them are leaking allowing oil to get sucked in at high pressures. What's involved with a leakdown test, will any competent specialist garage be able to do that?
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