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Old 04-28-2014, 01:03 AM   #1
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Posts: 18
968s sucking oil into engine somehow???

Hi All,

I'm at a loss. I've a 2001 986s which is somehow managing to suck oil into the top of the engine and need some 'out of the box' thinking becuase I don't believe it's the AOS, and virtually every response to anything to do with exhuast smoke is blamed on the AOS.

For starters, I've already fitted a new Porsche AOS, and changed the oil being very careful to ensure it was only filled to half dipstick.

I've had the car about 4 months but used it very rarely until the last 2 weeks since the sun started shining!

The symptons seem to be that the car is perfect, absolutely perfect, so long as you don't give it too many revs. I've used it for the last 2 weeks to pootle round town and for work a couple of times (M4, 100 miles round trip), so all is perfect if the car is used 'normally'.

However, if the car is used with some 'spirit', oil is getting somewhere it shouldn't. Last night I went out for dinner, had a chance to use the car on some A roads and enjoyed giving it a bit of stick, up to 6K revs a few times. Left the pub an hour or so later and there was a cloud of smoke at start up, for about a minute. Then, on the way home , gave it some revs , in third, on a dual carriageway and there was a drop in power and an almighty eruption of smoke out the exhuasts... enough to totally obscure over a 1/4 mile of dual carriageway. Lifted off and smoke cleared, carried on home. Then this morning, start car up and 30 secs of thick white smoke. And I know it'll do that a couple of more times as oil seeps down into the engine over the next day or so as this is not the first time it's done this!

This is about the 4th time and explains why I've already changed the AOS and the oil. It only happens when the the revs are high and underload. It's as though oil is being sucked up into the top of the engine (I mean the inlet side of things) when the engine is working hard, and then either getting into the pistons to burn off there and then, or being 'stored' to allow it to slowly seep down ino the engine to be burnt off the next time the engine is started.

it displays none of the sypmtons of the AOS on the way out, no vacuum etc,,, and the oil is only half filled so no overfill possible.

I can only think maybe there's some kind of half blocked tube or something in the inlet/emmissions side of things that's allowing oil to get where it shouldn't during hard engine use. But I don't know where to even start to look!

Probably explains why the car has had a few owners recently, not much point having a Boxster if you can't give it some every so often! And I suspect the last few owners have given up trying to fix it.

Any ideas anyone? I know some people have had this happen to them once, and then never again, but this is 4 times for me and I'm not finding any kind of technical reason for it.

Cheers all for any advice.

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