Well, I posted a few days ago my new car an 04 BoxsterS triple black with 7000 miles on it.
I used to have a Z4 2.5 and I was really happy with the handling, sometimes when I stay up late (like 2-3am) I always go out and return various movies or do stuff I would be bored to do the following day.
Especially when it rains the roads are literally dead. This is where the fun begins. I took the DSC off from the Z4 and I would slide in various nice curves. The car was a bit oversteery sometimes and a lot of times I would overcorrect. Now, I know this is also my fault but it simply felt it was getting out of control (duh).
Today, I did the same with the BoxsterS and wow! What a difference in handling in the rain!!! The car responded IMMEDIATELY. Please keep in mind my BoxsterS does not have PSM at all installed which I actually prefer. Sometimes electronic systems can cause the accidents by not letting you correct your car. I mean, I was shocked to how smooth it came back and having the 6-speed manual and power I was back on the road...again wow!
I simply fell in love with it and I just had to say it!
p.s Its been raining here so I havent washed it yet but what drying towels to use? I always used to suck at drying my car and white spots would remain afterwards, I dont want that on my BoxsterS.