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Old 03-20-2014, 01:43 PM   #18
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Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Posts: 149
I'm going to make some generalizations that aren't always the case, but things that I look out for.

Things to look out for when buying a used car:
1) "Mom & Pop" lots that don't sell new cars, especially if the car you are looking at is the nicest one on the lot. I doubt that anyone traded their Porsche, in "excellent" condition, in on a minivan with 120,000 miles on it. Chances are it was purchased at an auction, and for not very much money. It sold at an auction because nobody else would touch it. It probably has been neglected and needs major work. Service records will be minimal at best so you will have to assume that noting has been done.

2) Learning as much as you can about Boxsters before purchasing is a wonderful idea. It doesn't mean you have to do any work yourself, but you will know what questions to ask and what service records to look for.

3) Absolutely, 100% get a PPI from either a Porsche dealer, or an independent shop that is recommended on here, but NOT one that the dealer recommends, or the dealer's mechanic.

4) I don't like to gamble with a $10k+ repair, so I have opted to get the IMS bearing replaced with a ceramic. I have also just ordered the direct oil feed system for a little added security. Chances are nothing will happen, but I like to hedge my bets.

5) Carfax is a nice in principal, but it doesn't show everything, it shows only "reported" items. Those items never include oil changes and other maintenance items that show how well a car has been cared for, or beaten on in its life.

If those things haven't scared you off, then go for it! They are terribly fun.
2000 986 S - "The Black Widow"
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