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Old 03-20-2014, 11:23 AM   #16
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 231
You should be moderately worried, but not focused on the IMS. There are many issues and maintenance items to worry about. If you answer No to any of the following look elsewhere:

1. Are you interested and capable of performing basic to moderate troubleshooting?
2. Are you interested and capable of performing basic to moderate maintenance and repairs?
3. Can you afford $2K per year on average for maintenance and/or repairs
4. Are you capable of absorbing a worse case event of losing your purchase price minus $2-3K?

I bought a '97 with 96K miles a year and a half ago and frankly the car is a PITA. Since I can answer yes to all of the above my annual costs have stayed under $2K and I still consider it a reasonable risk to take
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