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Old 03-19-2014, 05:32 AM   #9
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Mileage unknown

Unfortunately, I do not know the mileage, only the VIN. I suppose someone could run a carfax on the VIN to get a rough idea of the mileage. More to the point however, is the implied question about the wear that might come with use (mileage being an indicator). Do I need to post more pictures?

It is not perfect, shows signs of some wear, like the leather grain being a bit more smooth where the hands go, and light scratch typical of a ring and/or key. Its used, not concourse.

My guess is the eBay watchers are waiting until near the end of the listing hoping something cheaper comes along, keeping my listing as their fall back position. Unfortunately, there will only be one winner/buyer.

Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks, Joe
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