Originally Posted by Mark_T
A breaker bar is a big improvement over the factory tool kit, but an impact gun with a torque stick takes all the pita out of the job. You don't have to crack the lugs loose before lifting the car. Just jack it up from the rear jack point until both wheels are clear and then zim zam and you're done. Repeat on the other side.
Btw, I don't put total faith in the torque stick. I use the 90 ft-lb stick and do the final few pounds with my torque wrench once all the wheels are changed and the car is back on the ground. Re-torque in a couple of days.
I have used self control and not used my torque wrench($70 special at Can. Tire) as a breaker bar. Not sufficiently into diy impact guns to a point that I would buy that kind of stuff. Can't wait to get the snow tires off but fear that a good dump of snow could happen between now and early May.....
Can actually get the revs up now as the streets are getting drier and as long as wifey is not with me then there are not much limitations except the redline!
Cheers, G.