I bought a set of hydralic jackstands off ebay. I use my floor jack to get the car way up then put the jackstands underneath. they come with a locking pin so they are safe and you can use the built in jack to get the car higher if needed. Find your nearest Harbor Freight or Sears you will be there often. I have done most of the work on my 99 Boxster myself. I enjoy doing the work I couldn't possibly afford the dealer prices and I have found much of the info can be found on these forums. What isnt here someone will usually offer up their experience/advice once you ask the question. You will need torx wrenches and star wrenches. I had an extensive set of tools prior to owning the Boxster but have added to my collection as needed. Working on these cars is not that difficult of course mine is not a daily driver so if it sits in the garage on stands for a couple of weeks it's no big deal. Many parts can be found on ebay or craigslist along with Pelican and other internet suppliers.
99 Porsche Boxster