In reading some of the responses I personally cringe at the tone of some people's response at the mere pictures of semi-automatic rifles (please educate yourselves as to what is what weapon wise). Taking myself out of the equation, I think of my Father's stance on what has been voiced here......He was the first family member to make it past the 6th grade education wise in his family, made it through school and college on a football scholarship, retired after 30 years in United States Army Field Artillery as a Lt. Colonel, VERY smart guy.
I often hear myself reiterating what I heard him drill into me for a couple of decades to my kids. Now that the Icon has been gone for a few years some things ring loud and clear. Conceptually one of the things thus far my kids repeat back at me with a laugh but I don't smile so much any more at hearing it......Political Correctness will be the Ruination of what was once a Wonderful Nation.