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Old 03-06-2014, 10:10 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by rick3000 View Post
I was recently looking into a magnetic drain plug, but decided against it. The reason being I read a significant amount about how some people are weary that the magnet attracts metal (assuming there is any) and the particles build up into a mound, and then break off all at once, causing a large number of particles to enter the engine all at once, instead of individually.

Do you guys think there is any truth to that though? I think that would only apply to the drain plug, but I am curious what people think. Any recommendations on better oil filters, than OEM, to trap more particles? Thanks!
I've personally never heard that one before, but I do not think it has merit as once the fine particles are "agglomerated" on the magnet, any chunk that came loose (if it actually happens) would be more than large enough for the filter to trap. Magnetic drain plugs are widely used on gas and diesel engines, and I have never heard of the type of failure you are suggesting.

There are many filter choices in the aftermarket that offer smaller pore sizes than the OEM cartridges style filter, just do some research on their specs and you will find that filters like Wix/NAPA Gold filters are substantially better in this department, and about half the price of the OEM filter as well. Just don't fall for the "high priced" big name brands hype, you can get as good or better a filter for much less.

Another consideration would be to get rid of your OEM oil bypass, which tends to stick open and allow crud of all sizes to circulate indiscriminately.
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