Originally Posted by evan9eleven
I looked at an '86 3.2 recently that ran but was rusty and not original, not even Fuchs. $26K for a total project car. 965s and 993s are wicked expensive, with the 993s going for $90K and up... way up. Its not just demand, the new car taxes I mentioned getting passed on make up a good chunk as well. Cars older then 30 years get a break, so you can do well importing these now if you find a good one... this will naturally lead to more Carreras showing up here in the next few years. That said, I still like this SC.
And finally, I looked for a Boxster S just for your entertainment. A clean 2004 with about 45' miles is selling for... hold your breath... 62 grand! Don't get me started...
$62K for a Boxster and $90+K for a 993? Now that's interesting because in the case of the Boxster the U.S. market is up to its eyeballs in all the water-cooled Porsches, so not just 986's. Whereas as few as ~2,500 993's were sold in the U.S. in its final year. Yet despite this inventory chasm between the air and water-cooled models, your market's premium for the Boxster still puts it within 30% of the far rarer 993? Amazing.
It sounds like this makes an air-cooled car an ironic bargain of sorts. But it seems to me that despite having to shell out more for a more popular 911, like the 964 or 993, the less punitive taxing on old cars better protects you from price fluctuations over a less popular 911. In other words, more of your money is going towards the actual market demand for that 911 and less towards taxes, the currency aspect and the 911 market lifting all the 911 boats -- not a very firm price support. The less popular the 911 model is, the more non-car related issues move the price of that car up or down.