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Old 02-22-2014, 05:05 AM   #2
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Everybody no doubt wants the higher end materials, the problem is very few are willing to pay for them. That goes for the manufacturers and customers alike.

Then when you get to the manufacturers stance, their bean counters are fighting with production who's fighting with design then ultimately sales stick their collective noses into things, what a mess.

I use to deal directly with the Big 3 and Toyota and Honda beginning in the mid to late 1980's, not to mention tier 1, 2 etc. suppliers, to say that they are difficult to please is an understatement. One of the untold stories as to the automotive industries' difficulties is that so many suppliers were so royally screwed over by them for decades a large portion of them (like our company) swore them off and simply refuse to deal with them.

An old adage I have found to be spot on: You have Price, Quality and Service, which two do you want?
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