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Old 02-20-2014, 06:58 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Slate 01 View Post
Oh I totally understand it, your comments shows exactly who is lacking clarity on what it is all about. Also, when I buy a nice car, I tell exactly no one, except my wife, about it. If someone sees me in it fine, if not, I don't have to tell anyone. Guess it is just the way I was raised.
No, no, I think it is you that is lacking clarity. For example, the title of this thread was "What else is in your garage". It wasn't "Please post your pompous, self-righteous opinion here". You should probably start a new thread in the lounge section for that. Keep in mind though, opinions are kinda like anuses - everyone's got one but no-one wants to hear yours.

Meanwhile, everyone else is having a bit of fun showing off their cool chit and admiring other members' cool chit. You're not required to take part if you'd rather not. I'd post a pic myself, but I really don't have much cool chit outside of the Boxster and a pretty nice tool collection. Wish I had that 328...
'99 black 986
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