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Old 02-10-2014, 10:42 PM   #108
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Why did I clean my engine?

I've gotten the first batch of acrylic covers. They look good so far. I'll be forming them and installing the necessary pieces throughout the week and will have the first couple ready soon.

On a separate note, Since cutting the acrylic leaves a lot of odd sized pieces that Ive already paid for, I've decided to use them for this.

It works surprisingly well. I just need the rubber boot in the opening to grip the smaller sized cups. I think after an iteration or two, it'll be perfect for anyone without a cup holder... I just got to find an elegant way to keep the arm rest lid open. I'm thinking of a spring or rubber rod that wants to swing it open. That way you when you press the button, it'll open like the ashtray.
If you are interested in a Comfort-Top module, please visit:

Last edited by Shehadehd; 02-10-2014 at 10:46 PM.
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