Originally Posted by Steve Tinker
Something doesn't add up here - you say that when the rpm is stuck (open I ssume) you are seeng air flow across the MAF but the throttle position is closed at the same time!!
(I'm playing devils advocate here). If thats the case, then air flow is passing the (supposedly) closed throttle body - which isn't fully closed as the engine would not run at high revs with the it fully closed. So could there be a problem with the throttle body (I know you've checked, but..)?
I'm also assuming that fuel delivery is controlled by the throttle body position, so if it is sticking open you will still get fuel through the plennum. If its not sticking open, hows the fuel entering the engine ???
Can you check your fuel trims when this problem occurs.
Yes, I know. That's why I'm asking some advice for you guys

. Can't figure this one on my own. There is only one way to bypass the throttle plate and get air flow into the body - via the idle control valve. I'll keep digging, will log everything while driving and will try to analyse the data to see where the problem can occur. I found a few forum posts about exactly the same issue but non of them provided any solution or pointed to the problematic area.