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Old 01-30-2014, 04:33 AM   #10
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2000 is a great year especially if you get one built in Finland. Low mileage cars are usually engine issues waiting to happen at least in my opinion. I have around 140000 on my base 2000 and can attest that the ims / engine issue did not arise until I got somewhere above 110,000 miles. Not sure of the exact numbers but I would plan on expecting to spend 3 to 5,000 on things that will need replacement and of course worse case $8,000 to $12,000 on an engine rebuild. I would rather buy one that has some history as well as an IMS upgrade from a reputable shop. Otherwise, I would not spend much more than $8,000 on a 2000 Boxster. I have seen a lot of low mileage 996 and 986 in the shop with major engine issues from lack of use. As far as the power difference goes it really depends on your driving. While I would have loved to have gotten an S or wouldn't mind getting one even now, my base is plenty sporty for me plus there are things you can do to improve performance to get it up to S level horsepower. Your best bet would be to find a car with a blown engine and get the engine rebuilt with L/N Engineering IMS upgrade and Tuners Direct Oil Feed. You will spend roughly the same amount of money as the car you are looking at but you will also have the piece of mind in knowing that you will not risk having the heartache / expense of an engine failure.

Last edited by ultimate1; 01-30-2014 at 04:40 AM.
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