Originally Posted by Jamesp
I never really looked at taking the oil pump out throught the access panel. I've been more of a "just drop the engine and go to town" kind of a mechanic, so I'm very limited in my knowledge of working on the engine while it's actually in the car. Dropping the engine the first time was a hassle, the second time, not so much. I'm sure as I learn, it will become second nature. From what little I've done, there is a world of difference between trying to work on it in the car, and out on a stand. My sense is that to leave the engine in the car and remove the oil pump getting the front engine mount out of the way would be a benefit. At that point dropping the front down for more clearance seems logical. Someone else who has actually done that can chime in if they have a mind to. 
James, I think I am going to pass on this method to get oil. My concerns, other than the extra work of getting to, and modifying the pump and shaft, are that this oil will be hot and dirty. I am not sure using the IMS as a conduit is reliable during many driving conditions (long uphill or downhill runs, acceleration, braking, depending on a mid engine or rear). But I thank you for your suggestion.
I am currently thinking there are many improvements that could be implemented with a new design bolt, one of them is getting oil for the IOF through a larger bolt with a small hole drilled through the center.