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Old 01-19-2014, 07:04 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by jb92563 View Post
Very cool and the lights are absolutely necessary otherwise its not showing near as interesting.

1 question though about the heat in the engine bay and the plexi. Will the plexi reach the temperature at which it becomes flexible, will it sag?

Living in the hotter climates, this could be an issue?

I also had an idea about using grey tinted plexi so that the engine is fairly invisible UNTIL you turn the lights on.

That way if the bay is dirty it wont be noticed until you turn on the lights

I haven't noticed any problem with heat for the duration I've used it. I've driven with it in traffic on a ~75 degree day with the hard top on for about a half hour. The engine fan came on during this trip which indicates engine temps did get up to 180 ferenheit. With all this, the cover never got more than warm to touch. It's pretty thick and with the engine fan on, it stays pretty cool. I think temperatures need to be north of 200 degrees before any forming takes place.

I just bought some stick on thermometers that I'm gonna attach to both sides of the cover to see what the temperatures get to and if heat will be an issue. So in short, I haven't had that issue and I've put around 800 miles so far.

The gray tinted idea sounds pretty cool, like using really light window tint.
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