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Old 01-16-2014, 07:40 AM   #160
Walter White
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Arizona
Posts: 90
Here is another priority for my IMS bearing replacement. Alignment.

If this flange were installed as-is, the bearing could very possibly be placed out of alignment, caused by the high spot on the bolt tang.
After I install the bearing into the IM shaft, I am going to measure the distance from the bearing outer race to the surface that the flange bolts onto on the case to make sure the bearing is parallel with the case surface.
Then I am going to take the seal off the flange and try to slip it into place to check that all the bolt tangs on the flange touch the case surface. If one or two tangs are high, not touching, I'm not sure what to do then but I guess I'll figure it out.

Edit: Better yet, to check that the bearing seating surface inside the IM shaft is parallel to the case surface, I will take a little off a 6204 outer race outside surface so that the race will slide into the IM shaft bore easily. Then I can check for parallel of the race to case surface, before installing the actual bearing. But I will check the final installation of the bearing too.
It's all bad

Last edited by Walter White; 01-16-2014 at 08:42 AM.
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