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Old 01-15-2014, 06:15 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
Like Perfectlap, I fight every ticket and almost always win. The law cuts both ways and most cops write crappy tickets that are indefensible in court.
Was about to say how horrendous it sounds driving in the US but looks like there are some advantages over there compared to the UK.

Mistakes are made here, but generally, they're very efficient at serving tickets correctly and the courts and legal process are very loaded against you.

That said, despite the complaining you hear, out of town the road policing is generally pretty light. Much of the time you can set your speed according to how you enjoy driving, road conditions and your view ahead rather than according to the arbitrary speed limits.

I'm talking about single carriageways, not multi-lane highways / freeways / motorways. Those kinds of roads are much more heavily policed but that's no great loss as driving fast on the motorway is hardly engaging or fun and you can generally cruise at 85mph without attraction unwanted attention, which is a tolerable pace in terms of getting places reasonably swiftly.

Having said all that, it doesn't take much to get banned - even a custodial sentence is possible. There but for the grace of god, really. If you are really driving a car like a Boxster to enjoy it - even a base model - you'll be doing fairly big triple-digit speeds at times on your favourite roads. Get caught doing that and you could be in big trouble. It's all too easily done.
Manual '00 3.2 S Arctic Silver
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