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Old 12-24-2013, 08:43 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by boxster View Post
I change the oil every year. I hardly use the car, sometimes it sits in the garage for about 2 months. When i change the oil my mechanic jokingly tells me that he feels like selling my old oil to someone else, as it's colour is that of brand new oil,sometimes with as little as 500 miles on it.
I still make it a rule to change it every year though, and inspect the magnetic drain plug and oil filter really well.
So do you think i should change the bearings because i don't use the car much?
No. I'm simply saying that the evidence for OEM dual row bearings suggests that the odds of failure increase in cars with longer oil change intervals or low use. It's unclear by how much the odds. If your worried and plan to keep your car for a long time, upgrade the bearing and put the problem behind you.
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