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Old 12-11-2013, 06:03 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by trimer View Post
what is your thought on this: Looking for just another nice ride to pop in the garage and take to some cars and coffees.. not going to race it, etc. Is it worth looking at a 944 base or is turbo really the only way to go? I had a buddy years ago with one. 86 turbo red with black fuchs and he had modified with a chip and that car hauled ass! I fell in love with that car and always wanted one...but I have never been in a base model 944. Have no clue what pick up is like...I assume they are geared to be quick but at 150HP, how quick can they possibly be. Just curious as to thoughts on the Base 944. Is it much like the difference of a Box vs Box S?
Trimer, For me i'd stay away from the base 944 and go with a 944 S2 and my preference would be a 1991 model or a 968. Reason I like the 1991 model is it has the updated 968 hatch and again they are limited in numbers that came to the US. You can't go wrong with either of these cars. A lot of S2 owners prefer this as a DD or track.

S2 has 208 HP and 968 about 236. Both weight around 3000 lbs. The 968 is basically an updated 944 S2 with a little more HP.

If you really want a base 944 find a nice 1989 model. These will demand more $$$ than earlier models. At that price range I'd go for an S2. Base 89's had ~160 HP

For the 944 turbo you have to decide what you want first. If you're going to heavily modify than look for an 86, 87 or early 88. They will be cheaper. Reason for this is if you're going to modify for more HP you're going to eliminate the goodies that comes standard with the 88 turbo S or 89 turbo. The 86 would be my preference. No air bag, lighter etc. Wheel off set is different from the rest which could be a downside. If you want HP it's a question of how much HP you want. I have friends with over 500 hp

I like mine fairly stock other than chip, exhaust, and MAF. This is why I like the turbo S and it's a limited edition model.
Go to Rennlist and the guys there will tell you all you want to know.
944 Turbo and Turbo-S Forum - Rennlist Discussion Forums

There are a handful of vendors that supports the turbo for performance. A chip and shimmed wastegate will net you 40-50+ HP with this car. This is just the first step. Imagine a car that will handle like a Boxster, 50-50 weight distribution, have over 300 hp and weighs similar to a Boxster S.

What I don't like about the turbo is turbo lag is noticeable specially during stop and go. However once you're above 2800 rpm this car is fast.

Originally Posted by RaisedOnPorsches View Post
trimer - For just around town use, you might want to consider the 968. From what I've read it is slightly more refined in terms of creature comforts than the 944s, but also very similar in its handling/performance.

cas951 - You should post a picture or two of your Turbo S for everyone to enjoy/drool over here.
Hey Jeremy,
I'll post some pics but I hope I don't bore the 986 communnity.

2008 Boxster S PDE2
02 Boxster S Blk on Blk(Stock for the Wife)
88 turbo S (My Toy) slightly modified
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