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Old 12-11-2013, 01:54 PM   #44
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I hear you Sean. Like I said before, these 928's are freakin beautiful and sound right (flat 6's sound cool but IMO have nothing on a V-8), they call me like The Sirens of Titan but cooling off and common sense have to ultimately prevail, at least for me. I've been considering the 928 for about a year now, the more serious I became the more I researched them and lurked in the respective forums. That was my downfall lol, the variety of issues they have front to back and top to bottom scare the crap out of me, all of them age related which no low mile pristine condition car could avoid without a stack of receipts literally 2 inches tall. I am going to chill for a couple of months while I considering other options.

Regarding your MB comment:

I honestly know a handful of guys who've been burned by some of the cars noted.

Last edited by coreseller; 12-11-2013 at 01:56 PM.
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