Originally Posted by coreseller
You have good taste. Unfortunately decent examples of the GTS model start in the $30k to $50k range, very nice ones with manual transmissions are quite a bit more. This is one of the reasons I'd like to catch a prime S4 now but frankly the more I look, the less I'm inclined to go down the 928 path. They were incredible cutting edge cars in their day, now that they are 25 plus years old the attention that they seem to require (thrust bearing / flex plate issues, electrical gremlins seem to abound, torque tube related, cooling system, 7 foot long timing belt / tensioner / Porkensioner, Intake / top end refresh, water pump, power steering issues, funky interior / dash pad issues, etc.) in comparison to air cooled 911's is dulling their shine for me.
Agreed. I'm also a fan, but the maintenance etc keeps me away.
On the fantasy list, I'd love to see a 928 with a Panamera drivetrain and some interior bits.