Thread: kit car
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Old 11-23-2013, 05:15 PM   #25
The Radium King
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I think the 904 is probably the easiest, and purest (keeping it all Porsche) project. I don't think the scale on the 550 is right for a boxster, and I've heard about the beck and thunder ranch 904 copies but out of my price range. and really, their offerings are bespoke cars. I'm thinking more custom tube frame, swing over the boxster running gear, then add body. then the details.

the thing about the 904 is that is was all fiberglass straight from porsche, like a factory kit car. so, the fit and finish (the part that kills most amateur car builders) is pretty easy to attain. note the doors/side glass on the 904 - simple. dash - simple. hinges and latches - simple.

well, simple-ish. it would probably die an unfinished project, after nightmare struggles with custom brake lines, properly aligning doors, hours of wet-sanding, etc.
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