Thread: kit car
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Old 11-22-2013, 02:29 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by woodsman View Post
I've been wishing someone would start buying up all the Boxster rollers and turning them into electric cars. The batteries could go where the fuel tank was and they'd have close to 50/50 weight distribution and could be as quick or quicker than stock.
Not an electric car. God no. What would THAT cost.
If you want something really efficient the tech is already out there, its called turbo diesel. Proven, economical, and great torque. They actually sell diesel fuel at most gas stations.
Not sure why there is any push for electric vehicles. I don't think the tech is quite there, its a hassle to use as a DD, not any charging stations, huge initial cost, on and on.
If I want a lightweight, over priced, expensive "look at me, Im a great liberal" electric car, I could buy a Tesla for about 100k.
Or I can buy a nice older boxster for every day of the week with that money.
Or a few older boxsters, a 1956 replica and a 550 replica.
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